Horizon 2020
Call: Η2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020
Topic: LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020
Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation
Type of action: IA


The aim of Surefit is to demonstrate fast-track renovation (40% reduction in implementation time) of existing domestic buildings by integrating innovative, cost-effective, and environmentally-conscious prefabricated technologies. The project is about to reach the target of near zero energy through reducing heat losses through the building envelope and energy consumption by heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting, while increasing the share of renewable energy in buildings. This will be achieved through a systematic approach involving key stakeholders (building owners and users, manufacturers, product and services developers) in space heating, cooling, domestic hot water, lighting and power generation, as well as a demonstration phase in five representative buildings in different climates.

In summary, SUREFIT aims to achieve:
  1) Reduction in primary energy use and carbon emission by 60%;
  2) Reduction of cost by 50%;
  3) Reduction of time for renovation by 40%

Surefit Project about
Surefit Project about


Buildings represent about 40% of the EU energy consumption, and 36% of the total CO2 emissions. A major part of these is due to heating and cooling, to maintain comfortable indoor conditions. The EU has committed to meet 20% of all energy demand through the use of renewable energy sources by 2020, and a further target of 100% by 2050 is already underway. Rational use of energy and integration of renewable energy technologies can substantially reduce the conventional energy demand in new and existing buildings and assist the EU in meeting the climate change objectives under the 2015 Paris Agreement. At present, about 35% of the EU's buildings are over 50 years old and almost 75% of the building stock is energy inefficient but only 0.4-1.2% of the building stock is renovated each year due to slow and costly renovation processes. Systemic approaches for building renovation could address the key challenges facing the construction industry by minimising energy use and material waste, maximising the energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources for heating, cooling, power generation and lighting, and fast and affordable retrofitting through the use of prefabrication.


Buildings represent about 40% of the EU energy consumption, and 36% of the total CO2 emissions. A major part of these is due to heating and cooling, to maintain comfortable indoor conditions. The EU has committed to meet 20% of all energy demand through the use of renewable energy sources by 2020, and a further target of 100% by 2050 is already underway. Rational use of energy and integration of renewable energy technologies can substantially reduce the conventional energy demand in new and existing buildings and assist the EU in meeting the climate change objectives under the 2015 Paris Agreement. At present, about 35% of the EU's buildings are over 50 years old and almost 75% of the building stock is energy inefficient but only 0.4-1.2% of the building stock is renovated each year due to slow and costly renovation processes. Systemic approaches for building renovation could address the key challenges facing the construction industry by minimising energy use and material waste, maximising the energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources for heating, cooling, power generation and lighting, and fast and affordable retrofitting through the use of prefabrication.

Surefit Project about


SUREFIT will address technologies that include bio-aerogel panels and their integration with phase change materials (PCM), photovoltaic (PV) vacuum glazing windows, roof and window heat recovery devices, solar assisted heat pumps (SAHP) and ground source heat pumps (GSHP), evaporative coolers, integrated solar thermal and photovoltaic systems and lighting devices. The technologies are to be manufactured by the industrial partners of the project consortium and demonstrated under real-life context in five existing buildings under three different European (Mediterenean, Atlantic and North) climates to ensure their excellence in operation (Portugal, UK, Greece, Spain and Finland). These will be prefabricated for rapid retrofit with minimal disruption to occupants, ensuring high levels of occupant comfort/indoor environmental quality as well as low risk of moisture-related problems/summer overheating.

About Surefit Lisbon
About Surefit Project Technology for building retrofit

