SUREFIT consortium meeting took place in Valladolid Spain!

SUREFIT consortium meeting took place in Valladolid Spain!

Last week, the SUREFIT Consortium convened in Valladolid, Spain, for a pivotal meeting at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valladolid. The first day, May 23, 2024, was packed with comprehensive discussions and updates on various work packages.

The session began with a welcome and an agenda overview by ISQ and FSM, followed by an update on project management and upcoming deliverables from ISQ. Significant insights were shared by CJR on the lessons learned from the installation of technologies in our Demo buildings, and UNOTT provided updates on the field testing and performance monitoring of these technologies, highlighting the work done in the UK demo building. The day also included detailed presentations on the development of methodologies, guidelines, and operational tools by ISQ, as well as assessments of economic, social, and environmental impacts led by AMS and FSM. Dissemination and exploitation activities were thoroughly reviewed, emphasizing the project’s website, dissemination efforts, and exploitation strategies. The afternoon sessions featured a summary of the seminar held on May 22nd, opportunities for future collaboration, and a SUREFIT Steering Committee Meeting to discuss the upcoming Annual Report and future commitments. The day concluded with focused work meetings on WP6 and WP9, ensuring deep discussions on the progress and plans up to month 52, demonstrating the consortium’s ongoing commitment to advancing sustainable practices in building design and environmental conservation.

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