Solimpeks PV-T_Surefit

SOLIMPEKS’ PV/T technology for SUREFIT on video!

Business user single benefit:

SOLIMPEKS Solar’ s Hybrid PV/T collectors offer a comprehensive, high-efficiency thermal and electrical energy in a single panel (Expand Offering, Increase Revenue Streams, Differentiate from Competitors, Enhance Customer Satisfaction)

End user single benefit:

SOLIMPEKS Solar’ s Hybrid PV/T collectors reduce energy expenses while also contributing to environmental sustainability (Energy Cost Reduction, Energy Independence, Environmental Impact, Improved Property Value, Long-Term Savings, Reliable Energy Source)  

Description of technology:

The technology developed by SOLIMPEKS Solar revolves around hybrid PV/T collectors, which combine photovoltaic (PV) and thermal (T) technologies into a single collector to generate both electricity and thermal energy from solar radiation.

Statistics (supportive numbers):

  • 540We (electrical) and 700Wt (thermal) power
  • Peak power per unit: 1200W (Kiwa test report No. L0000435/B)

Patent Owner:


Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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